This is an early build including extensive debug features and test levels. Most of the levels are playable but the overall experience differs significantly from the final product. There are placeholder menu screens and a dev level selection. The build is watermarked as "MH2_PSP_2007_02_04_11268 23.11268"
Pressing L + SELECT while in-game opens the debug menu where literally everything from Weather to Memory Usage can be displayed and adjusted.
The game loops after the intro movie which is a security measure made by Rockstar. It however can be bypassed by using this plugin on a PSP with Custom firmware or PPSSPP!
Anonymous(2022-07-26 06:53:27)
Wow! how can I get one?
Anonymous(2023-01-15 14:51:04)
Does anyone have a link for it?
Anonymous(2023-01-23 08:39:18)
I don't even know if they give links to these.
Anonymous(2023-03-10 20:30:27)
Where is the download button?
Anonymous(2023-04-20 03:33:34)
Press ALT + F4 to begin download
Anonymous(2023-06-20 19:06:17)
This site makes no sense. Why would you create a public patch on Github for a prototype you haven't even released?
f** u n***a(2023-08-24 11:31:20)
dude why tf u post this when u can download it
Anonymous(2023-09-19 12:49:35)
Where is the download button?
Anonymous(2023-11-15 22:19:29)
Is is real the legend is coming is this a simple begging
CollectorsSuck(2024-02-12 17:41:26)
Yet again another case of some chowder head hoarding an iso all to themselves instead of uploading the dump online like any normal human beings.
Anonymous(2024-04-06 18:30:13)
took you guys long enough
Anonymous(2024-12-20 09:30:50)
I downloadednthe game with the plugin inside it but the game won't work only after the intro
What are 'PreProduction' UMDs?
These UMDs were produced before the official release for QA-testing, reviewing up to promotional purposes. Thus some of them having unfinished builds burned to. (Where especially those not meant for the public sometimes having developer options available!) Depending on the region, company and version they might have a unique but different Disc ID compared to the final retail version. In the gaming industry these type of discs are often referred to as 'silvers'.